Kanamycin Sulphate for Injection 1g/10ml kanamycin sulphate is a sterile white powder readily soluble in water. The solution is clear and has a slightly yellow tint. It is packed in vials with aluminium covered rubber caps. Each vial contains 0.5 or 1 gram of Kanamycin base, effective for three years. INDICATIONS: kanamycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic which is active against a number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. It is also effective against tubercle bacillus. With the exception of Neomycin, Kanamycin does not produce cross resistance with other antibioties. It is indicated for: 1. Infections of the respiratory urinary and biliary tracts, septicaemia etc. caused by Gram-negative organisms such as E. coli, Proteusvulgaris, Aerobactor aerogenes, etc. 2. infections or septicaemia caused by staphylococci resistant to other antibioties. 3. Pulmonary tuberculosis, renal tuberculosis, tuberculous peritonitis, tuberculosis of bone and joints, etc. caused by tubercle bacillus resistant to the commonly used tuberculostatics. ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE The needed dosage should be preseribed by a physician. For adults: 1 gram of Kanamycin base daily in 2 intramuscular injections. For children: 0.015-0.02 gram per kilogram of body weight daily in2 or 3 intramuscular injections. Each course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks. In cases of tuberculosis requiring prolonged therapy, it is advisable to limit the total weekly dosage to 3-4 gram. For patients with respiratory tract infections, inhalation therapy with nebulization may be given. The concentration of the solution is 0.1 gram per ml. CAUTIONS: The main toxic reactions produced by Kanamyain are those involving the eighth cranial nerve and the kidneys. During short course with high dosage and during prolonged treatment, attention should be paid to urinary findings and hearing capacities and appropriate investigations such as renal functions studies and audiometric tests should be made whenever necessary.