Composition: Ampicillin sodium and cloxacillin sodium available as : Sterile powder for preparing the equivalent of 250mg ampicillin and 250mg cloxacillin per vial. Pharmacological Action: Penicillins Indications The use of this antibiotic may lead to the appearance of resistant strains of organisms and sensitivity resting should be carried out wherever possible to ensure the appropriateness of the therapy. Infections caused by susceptible organisms where a mixed inflection is oresent and includes pencillin-resistant staphylococci. Contra-indications Known allergy to penicillin or cephalosporins, Cases of cross sensitivity have been reported. Babies born of hypersensitive mothers in the neonatal period. The oral dosage forms are not recommended for chronic severe or deep-seated infections such as subacute bacterial endocarditis, meningitis or sypgilis. Ampiclox should not be admistered by sub-conjunctival injection or used as an eye drop as it contains cloxacillin. Warnings When administered to a patient with penicillin allergy anaphylactic shock may occur.corticosteroids and antihistamines should be used to treat anaphylaxis. Use with caution in patients with a known history of allergy. Because of the variability in intestinal absorption of cloxacillin xontaining products oral administration is not a suitable substitute for the parenteral route in treatment of severl infections. Storage instructions Containers should be kept tightly closed in a cool (below 25ºC) dry place. Once prepared, AMPICLOX muse be used immediately, KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.